【113-2微學分課程】AI醫學影像分析實作(英文授課) AI for Medical Image Analysis(EMI)

選課日期:114/03/16截止 Course selection deadline: March 16, 2025.

Course’s Name

AI醫學影像分析實作 AI for Medical Image Analysis

(對應總課程名稱:跨域AI實作微學分課程 AXB AI Co-Teaching Program)

Lecturer information

電子研究所 賴伯承 教授

腦科學研究所 紀以柔 博士生

電機資訊國際博士學位學程 冉恩達 博士生

Course Overview and Objectives

This course explores the practical applications of artificial intelligence in medical image analysis, focusing on deep learning techniques, image preprocessing, model training, and evaluation. Participants will gain hands-on experience with AI models for various imaging modalities, including MRI, CT, X-ray, Histopathology, and retinal scans. The course will also cover key challenges such as model interpretability, bias mitigation, and regulatory considerations in medical AI.

By the end of the course, participants will:

  1. Understand the fundamentals of different types of medical images and AI-driven medical image analysis, including deep learning architecture and preprocessing techniques.
  2. Develop proficiency in implementing and fine-tuning AI models for different medical imaging tasks.
  3. Evaluate model performance using appropriate metrics and interpret AI-generated results.
  4. Identify and address challenges related to data bias, fairness, and regulatory compliance in medical AI applications.

Gain hands-on experience with AI frameworks and tools commonly used in medical image analysis. 

Course’s Day

3/22 13:00-16:00 PM
3/29 13:00-15:00 PM
3/23 13:00-16:00 PM

Total Course Hours


Class Location


Maximum number of applicants



Preparatory Abilities Review Standards

Please complete the pre-course survey: Google form .

Items provided by students


Assignments, Exams, Assessments

Labs and homework (done individually) 20%

Final project (done in groups of 1-3 members) 80%

Course Outline

單元主題Topic內容綱要Content outline講授Teach示範Demonstration習作Exercises其他Others
Principles and Diagnosis OverviewOverview of medical imaging modalities and principles, introduction to example diseases (autism, pneumonia, dementia, diabetes mellitus…) in class1hr0hr0hr0hr

Data preprocessing

Focus on how to preprocess with Python to make into Pytorch dataloader
Explain two examples: MRI and Histo
Data preprocessing lab: give each team a dataset and prepare a pytorch dataloader (will use later for group project)
Computer Vision with Deep Learning IntroductionThis session covers the fundamentals of computer vision and deep learning, including structures of models, feature extraction, image classification, and hands-on implementation of medical image analysis models.0.5hr0.5hr0hr0hr
Image Classification Colab TutorialThis session provides a hands-on tutorial using Google Colab to implement image classification models, covering data preprocessing, model training, evaluation, and visualization of results.0hr0.5hr0.5hr0hr
Results Interpretation and ReasoningThis session focuses on interpreting AI model results by integrating medical knowledge of diseases and clinical contexts, analyzing performance metrics, visualizing decision-making processes, and making informed inferences to support clinical decision-making.0.5hr0.5hr0hr0hr
Group project presentationsThis session features group project presentations where participants apply and integrate the skills learned throughout the course, showcasing their end-to-end AI model development, from data preprocessing and training to result interpretation and clinical reasoning.0hr0hr2hr0hr

Course Schedule

Course progress, content, topics
3/221.1 Introduction to medical imaging modalities (MRI, CT, X-ray, Retinal Imaging, Histopathology)
1.2 Fundamental principles behind different imaging techniques
1.3 Common medical conditions analyzed through imaging (e.g., tumors, cardiovascular diseases, retinal disorders; autism, pneumonia, dementia)
1.4 Role of AI in medical image diagnosis and clinical decision-making

2.1 Importance of data preprocessing in AI-driven medical imaging
2.2 Image normalization, augmentation, and enhancement techniques
2.3 Handling missing data and noise reduction methods
2.4 Dataset loading, preprocessing, and augmentation in Python
3/233.1 Fundamentals of computer vision and its applications in healthcare
3.2 Overview of deep learning architectures for medical imaging (CNNs, transformers, hybrid models)
3.3 Feature extraction and representation learning in medical image analysis
3.4 Challenges and limitations of deep learning in clinical practice

4.1 Hands-on implementation of image classification models using Google Colab
4.2 Training deep learning models for disease classification (e.g., normal vs. abnormal scans)
4.3 Performance evaluation with key metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, AUC-ROC)

5.1 Understanding AI model predictions and performance metrics
5.2 Visualization techniques (Grad-CAM) for explainable AI in medical imaging
5.3 Integrating clinical knowledge with AI results for diagnosis and decision-making
5.4 Ethical considerations and bias detection in medical AI applications
6.1 Presentation of team-based AI projects on medical image analysis
6.2 Demonstration of end-to-end model development, from preprocessing to interpretation
6.3 Peer review and feedback session to improve clinical applicability of AI models
6.4 Discussion on challenges, lessons learned, and future improvements

Course’s Materials

1. A. Sweigart, Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, 2nd Ed., No Starch Press, Dec. 2019
2. Literature reading.
3. Online resources.


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